How to Improve Average Order Value Using Referral Marketing

20 Apr- 10 min read

Referral marketing is a powerful tool that e-commerce businesses can use to increase their average order value (AOV). AOV is the average amount of money spent by customers on each purchase, and increasing it can significantly boost revenue. In this article, we’ll explore how to use referral marketing to improve AOV and the strategies that can help you achieve this goal.

Understanding Average Order Value and Referral Marketing

What is Average Order Value?

AOV is a metric that measures how much customers spend on average when making purchases from an e-commerce store. It is calculated by dividing the total revenue generated by the number of orders. For instance, if a store makes $10,000 in revenue from 500 orders, its AOV will be $20.

The Importance of Increasing Average Order Value

Increasing AOV is crucial for boosting revenue and profitability. When customers spend more on each purchase, the cost of acquiring each customer decreases, and the business becomes more efficient. Additionally, high AOV can indicate a lower customer acquisition cost (CAC), which means that the business is acquiring more valuable customers who are likely to buy again in the future.

There are several ways to increase AOV. One effective strategy is to offer bundle deals or discounts for customers who purchase multiple items at once. Another strategy is to upsell customers by suggesting complementary products or premium versions of products they are already interested in.

What is Referral Marketing?

Referral marketing is the process of incentivizing existing customers to refer new customers to a business. This strategy relies on word-of-mouth marketing, which is one of the most effective forms of advertising. Referral marketing can help businesses acquire high-quality customers who are more likely to be loyal and spend more money over time.

There are several ways to implement a referral marketing program. One common approach is to offer rewards or discounts to customers who refer new customers to the business. Another approach is to create a referral program that rewards both the referrer and the new customer with discounts or other incentives.

Benefits of Referral Marketing for E-commerce Businesses

Referral marketing offers several benefits for e-commerce businesses:

  • High-quality leads: Referral customers tend to be more qualified and engaged than other types of leads, as they have already been recommended by a trusted source.
  • Increased conversion rates: Referral leads are more likely to convert into paying customers, as they come with a higher level of trust and social proof.
  • Lower CAC: Referral marketing can significantly reduce the cost of acquiring new customers, as it relies on existing customers to spread the word.

In addition to these benefits, referral marketing can also help businesses build brand awareness and loyalty. When customers refer their friends and family to a business, they are essentially endorsing the brand and its products, which can lead to increased trust and loyalty over time.

Overall, both AOV and referral marketing are important strategies for e-commerce businesses looking to grow and succeed in today’s competitive marketplace. By focusing on increasing AOV and implementing a successful referral marketing program, businesses can acquire high-quality customers, boost revenue, and improve their bottom line.

Setting Up a Successful Referral Marketing Program

Referral marketing is a powerful tool that can help you grow your business by leveraging your existing customer base. By incentivizing your customers to refer their friends and family to your business, you can increase your customer acquisition rate and build a loyal customer base. However, setting up a successful referral marketing program requires careful planning and execution. Here are some steps you can take to set up a successful referral marketing program:

Identifying Your Target Audience

The first step in setting up a successful referral marketing program is to identify your target audience. You need to understand the demographics, interests, and behaviors of your most valuable customers, as these are the people who are most likely to engage with your referral program. For example, if you run a beauty brand, your target audience may be women between the ages of 18 and 35 who are interested in natural and organic beauty products. By understanding your target audience, you can create a referral program that resonates with them and motivates them to take action.

One way to identify your target audience is to conduct market research. You can use surveys, focus groups, and other research methods to gather insights into your customers’ needs, preferences, and behaviors. You can also analyze your customer data to identify patterns and trends that can help you understand your target audience better.

Creating a Compelling Referral Offer

Your referral offer needs to be compelling enough to incentivize customers to take action. You can offer various incentives, including discounts, free products, or exclusive access to new features. The key is to make the offer valuable enough to motivate customers to refer their friends and family.

When creating your referral offer, consider the following factors:

  • The value of the incentive: The incentive should be valuable enough to motivate customers to take action, but not so valuable that it hurts your bottom line.
  • The ease of participation: The referral process should be easy and straightforward, with clear instructions and minimal barriers to entry.
  • The relevance of the offer: The offer should be relevant to your target audience and aligned with your brand values and messaging.

Setting Up a Referral Tracking System

A robust referral tracking system is necessary to track the success of your program and reward customers for their referrals. You can use specialized software to automate the process and make it easier for customers to refer their friends.

When setting up your referral tracking system, consider the following factors:

  • The accuracy of the tracking: The tracking system should be accurate and reliable, with clear metrics and reporting tools to measure the success of your program.
  • The security of the data: The tracking system should be secure and compliant with data protection regulations to protect your customers’ personal information.
  • The ease of use: The tracking system should be easy to use for both you and your customers, with clear instructions and user-friendly interfaces.

Promoting Your Referral Program

You need to promote your referral program to ensure that customers are aware of it and motivated to participate. You can use various channels, including social media, email marketing, and paid advertising, to spread the word and promote your offer.

When promoting your referral program, consider the following tactics:

  • Social media: Use social media platforms like Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram to promote your referral program and encourage customers to share it with their followers.
  • Email marketing: Send targeted emails to your customers to promote your referral program and provide them with clear instructions on how to participate.
  • Paid advertising: Use paid advertising channels like Google Ads or Facebook Ads to reach a wider audience and promote your referral program to new customers.

By following these steps, you can set up a successful referral marketing program that helps you grow your business and build a loyal customer base. Remember to continuously monitor and optimize your program to ensure that it remains effective and relevant to your target audience.

Strategies to Increase Average Order Value Through Referral Marketing

Referral marketing is a powerful tool for driving sales and increasing revenue. By incentivizing customers to refer their friends and family to your store, you can expand your customer base and boost your bottom line. However, simply getting more customers isn’t enough – you also need to encourage them to spend more money on each purchase. In this article, we’ll explore four strategies for increasing average order value through referral marketing.

Encouraging Larger Purchases with Tiered Rewards

One effective way to increase the average order value of referral customers is to offer tiered rewards. This approach incentivizes customers to spend more money on each purchase by offering escalating rewards for increasing levels of spending. For example, you might offer a $10 discount for spending $50, a $25 discount for spending $100, and a $50 discount for spending $200. This approach not only encourages customers to spend more money, but it also makes them feel like they’re getting a good deal.

However, it’s important to ensure that your tiered rewards program is structured in a way that makes sense for your business. You don’t want to offer discounts that are too steep, as this can eat into your profit margins. Additionally, you’ll need to make sure that your rewards are attainable for most customers, as overly difficult-to-reach goals can be demotivating.

Offering Exclusive Discounts for Referrals

Another effective way to increase the average order value of referral customers is to offer exclusive discounts. By offering a higher discount to referred customers than to regular customers, you can motivate them to make their first purchase and spend more money. This approach can also make referred customers feel valued and increase their loyalty to your brand.

When offering exclusive discounts, it’s important to make sure that they’re truly exclusive. You don’t want to offer discounts that are available to everyone, as this can make referred customers feel like they’re not getting a special deal. Additionally, you’ll need to ensure that your discounts are structured in a way that makes sense for your business, as overly generous discounts can hurt your bottom line.

Implementing a Loyalty Program

A loyalty program can be an effective way to encourage customers to return to your store and spend more money over time. By rewarding customers for repeat purchases, referrals, and social sharing, you can provide them with incentives to continue engaging with your brand. This approach not only increases the average order value of referral customers, but it also helps to build long-term customer loyalty and retention.

When implementing a loyalty program, it’s important to ensure that your rewards are attainable and valuable for customers. You don’t want to offer rewards that are too difficult to earn or that don’t provide enough value to customers. Additionally, you’ll need to make sure that your program is structured in a way that makes sense for your business, as overly complex programs can be confusing and demotivating.

Upselling and Cross-selling to Referral Customers

Finally, upselling and cross-selling can be an effective way to increase the average order value of referral customers. By encouraging them to buy complementary products or upgrade to higher-priced items, you can increase revenue and provide a better customer experience. Personalized recommendations and targeted messaging can be particularly effective in promoting these offers.

When upselling and cross-selling, it’s important to make sure that your offers are relevant and valuable to customers. You don’t want to push products or services that they don’t need or want, as this can hurt your relationship with them. Additionally, you’ll need to ensure that your messaging is clear and compelling, as overly pushy or confusing messaging can turn customers off.

In conclusion, there are many strategies that you can use to increase the average order value of referral customers. By offering tiered rewards, exclusive discounts, implementing a loyalty program, and upselling and cross-selling, you can encourage customers to spend more money on each purchase and increase your revenue. However, it’s important to ensure that your strategies are tailored to your business and your customers, as a one-size-fits-all approach is unlikely to be effective.


Referral marketing can significantly improve the AOV of e-commerce businesses, providing them with a sustainable source of high-value customers. By identifying your target audience, creating a compelling offer, setting up a referral tracking system, and promoting your program, you can maximize the benefits of this marketing strategy. Additionally, by using strategies such as tiered rewards, exclusive discounts, loyalty programs, and upselling/cross-selling, you can further increase AOV and unlock the full potential of your referral program.

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