Understand how users behave on your site
What do they need? How do they feel? See what your users see in their session recording.

Mouse trails and clicks on the tip of your finger
Creabl makes a website recording with actual mouse movements as visitors move across pages on your website to record user sessions. You can also see where they clicked and how often they moved up and down on a page via user session recording.
You can skip inactivity just in one click
Skip the time frame during which visitors didn't perform any action.
This simple but essential feature of our session recording tool will save you tons of hours. No more watching how users AFKing. Just check out the website session recording.

Register for a live demo
Join us for an interactive, introductory Creabl demo on how recording website visitors are made. We'll work together to create product metrics, then build and visualize them in real-time.
Filter your visitors with rich filtering options
Filter your recordings by creating your own advanced custom cohorts using complex and/or bracketing logic conditions for website visitors recording. You can also combine several visitor recording filter options, or even predefined cohort and filter in order to get more insights for your online recording website.
Collect data about visitors in one place
Don't watch individual sessions; look at record session journeys instead. Since 1 conversion is scattered across multiple sessions, optimizers should look at the collective journey, instead. With Creabl, you can find our how to record a web session, and analyze cumulative journies across segments of choice (converters from the USA on iOS, non-converters from the UK, and many others) with an all-in-one website recording tool.

Need a consultation?
Join us for an interactive, introductory Creabl demo on how to record user activity on the website, during which one we'll talk about your business and how we might help.