All About Tracking User Behavior on Website Analysis

08 Jul- 5 min read

All About Tracking User Behavior on Website Analysis 1

Track user behavior analysis is a necessary measure that allows you to get valuable data about the website to improve its performance and so much more. Let’s discuss user behavior tracking in the context of your business’s success.

What is user behavior?

User behavior basically encompasses all the target actions visitors may take on a website: what or where they click on, how they may scroll down a website page, where they stumble or not, and what funnel level they eventually drop off the page and leave. Effective user behavior tracking & analysis may help improve it.

What is user behavior analytics?

The term web analytics refers to the process of collecting, analyzing and interpreting the received data about website visitors, with the aim of further improving it, or its individual indicators. Web analytics provides for the analysis of user behavior, as well as their reactions to changes regarding certain components on the website. For example, design, usability, content, and prices, product photos if we have eCommerce, etc.

Web user behavior tracking & analysis is also a cybersecurity process that allows looking up the patterns of human behavior and then making analyzes to detect anomalies that indicate potential threats by means of using algorithms and machine learning. Since it takes place with AI, there are metrics that are applied to measure it.

What are user behavior metrics?

To calculate results after tracking customer behavior, the metrics that tell us how a user interacts with your page are applied. By discovering them, you may better understand how many people interact with your website, the pages that bring them to the site in the first place, which pages they engage with the most, which ones convert or not, etc. For example, signups, activation rates, feature usage, and impact; funnel drop-off for in-app purchases, etc. Pages per Session, Screen views, and Average Session Duration are examples of metrics in Google Analytics.

Types of user behavior analytics you can track

Several analytics types you may apply after you track user behavior on website. They may be used independently or in a mix depending on your marketing goals:

  • Product & feature engagement analytics.
  • Session recordings and heatmaps.
  • User and product experience analytics.
  • Retention customer behavior tracking, etc.

So, basically, you may understand what brings value to users and increase retention or identify some friction points in the user journey if any, as well as .remove blockers and shorten time to value to reduce bounce rate and so much more.


Based on the analytical information received, relevant conclusions and recommendations are formed, so the scope of its application can be quite wide. You may further highlight the following key benefits that the use of website analytics provides:

Identifies soft spots

Identifying problem areas on the website and possible correcting errors are the primary benefits that any analysis may provide you within all business website works. If you don’t notice them, the system data will give a hint. Monitoring the availability and stability of the resource are all there.

Defines the trends

Proper and timely analysis and maintenance of attendance statistics also provide excellent insight to identify main trends. You may check out the study of the effectiveness of ongoing advertising campaigns and compare to those trends seeking for the newer development vectors.

Studies users behavior

The critical element of any analysis system is the algorithm that helps the study of visitor behavior and the factors that influence it. Based on that, you may improve many website performance indicators, content, usability, etc. If you have an online shop, tracking customer behavior helps improve e-commerce performance and set goals.

Generally, the great analysis will enable you to study the work results on various marketing channels and develop clearer recommendations to improve multiple aspects of the site and its interaction with visitors.

How to analyze user behavior

At the moment, the most common tools for collecting analytical information regarding a website are log analyzers, traffic counters, and Internet statistics systems. To track site traffic, you need to use any web analytics service you find the ideal for your business goals or integrate a couple of them with specific features.

Start tracking user behavior right away

Website analytics is a convenient tool for determining site performance metrics, as well as improving and developing it, transforming it into a convenient tool for doing business or realizing other goals of the resource owner. How to track user behavior on the website? Choose the ideal analytics type and track your site visitors depending on your marketing goals. Apply Creabl or similar tracking tools to provide you a full picture on your website progress.


What is user behavior analytics?

Analytics is not only the collection and analysis of information. It is also the correct interpretation of the data.

What is the difference between traditional website analytics and user behavior analytics?

Ultimately, user behavior analysis improves conversion rates or overall website performance in a more data-driven and user-oriented way.

How do you track user behavior?

As a rule, owners choose tools like Google Analytics and Search Console. Also, they may apply click, scroll tracking or heatmapping tools and view session recordings of users as they use their site.

How do you understand user behavior?

To better understand your user behavior while using specialized tools or not, try to know your user, seek out their only deliberate and purposeful actions to analyze, study their patterns, map insights onto the user journey, iterate, and use automation tools.

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